Accounting & Taxation

Accounting Services

The importance of personal service and an ongoing relationship is vital when choosing which accountant you use. Whether you are a wage or salary employee, an investor, or a business owner, a good working relationship with an accountant will help you achieve your financial goals.

An accountant who has a clear understanding of your situation, goals, and current issues can help you in many areas, including:
"Tax planning
"Asset protection
"Corporate structures
"Self Managed Superannuation Funds

Tax Planning

We assist clients with income tax, capital gains tax, fringe benefits tax and GST issues. As a registered Tax Agent, we are able to provide detailed taxation advice on issues as they affect you, and we'll help you to plan for them.

Asset Protection

Asset protection requires a three tiered approach of advice, insurance, and being diligent in your chosen field. We assist you by providing the advice on how assets should be held to minimise the risk of you losing them through litigation.

Corporate Structures

Part of tax planning and asset protection generally involves advice on how investments and businesses should be structured e.g. should you use a partnership, company or trust to hold the investment or run a business. We'll advise you on the pro's and cons of various structures. We can also review your current structure for potential weaknesses and improvements.

Our Service

Asset Accounting & Taxation is a practice that provides taxation and accounting services to a wide range of businesses and individuals. Our services include advice, salary packaging, Self Managed Super Fund advice, and the preparation of tax returns and financial statements.

Our service is based on knowing our clients and developing a strong working relationship with them. When that relationship is strong then we can help them to effectively achieve their goals.

For more information contact Matthew Ruscoe...

Phone: 0425356925


Asset Accounting and Taxation
PO Box 83
Galston NSW 2159

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